My third book is finally published! Introducing... The Lonely Dragon

Front Cover

Back Cover

My third book is finally published and I am so pleased with it. It's filled with bright, sparkling illustrations using uplifting and tropical colours.

This is my first hardback book, with a glossy and robust cover fit for rough little hands to pick up, it's built to last the test of time. The pages are also thick and glossy and the colours pop. This one has been a real labour of love, taking up so much of my spare time it started to feel like a marathon, but so worth it to finally hold in my hands.

My little girl Matilda love the story and the illustrations, especially the mermaid! 

This book is about a lonely dragon, who desperately wants to find a friend, 'another dragon, just like her.' She embarks on a great journey, travelling far and wide, but she finds no dragons. She only finds a Mermaid by the sea, a Jackalope in the summer meadow, and a gleaming white unicorn in the enchanted forest. All these other magical beings are lonely too. When the dragon's journey finally comes to an end, the dragon realises that she is the only one left, and she is sad. But then she realises something. That along the way she has found friendship. She travels back to all the magical places that she visited, and picks up her new friends and they go on adventures together. It is a simple and sweet story about the necessity of friendship, and also a reminder of how we don't need to all be the same in order to be friends.

A perfect bedtime story...

The Lonely Dragon can be found on Etsy (signed copies available via Etsy - just send me a note with the order). Also available via Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones and other outlets.


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